The popular reality-based crime show on Sony Entertainment Television - Crime Patrol (Optymistix Productions) - has always brought out some of the most heart touching true tales of crimes in India.
This week the show will narrate a sexual harassment case committed in the village of Dheebapur, Rajasthan. The case will revolve around the plight of an 8 year old Komal who belongs to the family of bandiwalas. Her parents, Karuna and Vijay will make ends meet by selling utensils in return for old clothes.
Another villager, Arvind, who will be in a slightly better position, will buy these clothes from them. On one occasion Vijay will fetch a good saree and send his daughter to sell it off for Rs 60.
After fixing the deal with the little girl Vijay will ask her to follow him to the kitchen. As the innocent girl will walk behind him, he will lock the door and molest her.
When the villagers will hear her shrieks they will come to her rescue but the girl will be shocked and shaken and breakdown as soon as she comes to her house. Her family even though poor will stand for her rights and file a case against Vijay, who in turn will try to influence the law.
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This week the show will narrate a sexual harassment case committed in the village of Dheebapur, Rajasthan. The case will revolve around the plight of an 8 year old Komal who belongs to the family of bandiwalas. Her parents, Karuna and Vijay will make ends meet by selling utensils in return for old clothes.
Another villager, Arvind, who will be in a slightly better position, will buy these clothes from them. On one occasion Vijay will fetch a good saree and send his daughter to sell it off for Rs 60.
After fixing the deal with the little girl Vijay will ask her to follow him to the kitchen. As the innocent girl will walk behind him, he will lock the door and molest her.
When the villagers will hear her shrieks they will come to her rescue but the girl will be shocked and shaken and breakdown as soon as she comes to her house. Her family even though poor will stand for her rights and file a case against Vijay, who in turn will try to influence the law.
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